
thank u chirag..and ur as bad as me or worse and i m just compilmenting you here....don't get me to start on the insults..you'd probably have to visit ur doctor again for sure..btw just heard ur mom celebrated her birthday recently.SO HEMA MAAM H{APPY} BIRTHDAY.. Chirag stop thinking of food for sometime... anyway going on to other embarassing moments of my life..In the prison i was forced to call college for two years,i took up[to impress members of the opposite sex]french as the second language....in one of these classes conducted by a very sweet but huge teacher,the world's tallest and smartest Lesbian aka "VINYAS" decided it would be funny to paste on my back a piece of paper which contained the saying "Kick me cause am short"....now this would have been tolerated if among friends but on that day the teacher gives out our assingments and i go to collect my paper from her..so after collecting my piece of art,which had been marked as unfit to be read by humans,i innocently was returning to my desk giving the teacher a full view of my back.She notices the paper and calls me back and to add insult to injury reads it out to the whole class hitherto confrming her entry into my "TO KILL LIST"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, i remember that day....
But i don't think your story is totally true cause you actually took up french as a second language to impress Vinyas and Vinyas comes under people of the "other" sex and not "opposite" sex.