

today we pass into the realm of Preetam Joshi,who likes callin himself JOSH to add sex appeal to his name which he obviously lacks...This dude lives in kengeri satelite and has been the victim of a prank played recently by a friend and me...The prank consisted of us sms ing him as horny girls on the lookout for boyfriends....He introduced himself as "josh" and claimed he looks like Abhishek Bachchan,a hindi movie star....The look on his face when we broke the news to him in person is recorded on my mobile..Intersted personnel may contact me...This studious person is suspected to have typed random numbers on his mobile and is said to have tried to make friends that way...His antics include pronouncing champagne as cham..pag..ne and vinyas as in..gini..yas....How he does this is still bein researched.He was also the victim of another prank played by me in the 4th grade.There was a bore being dug near his place and i happened to come across cream shaped mud cakes....So i try passing them off as chocolates and our pal actually bites into one of them.As a note i would like to add that he wore braces at that time and had the nickname of "Metal Mouth"....
Result:A sight u'd gladly have missed...braces and mud don't go along very well at all...
Evaluation:Gullible,sensitive,lonely,influencable chap....


Anonymous said...

And now for some timely Palm analysis from the mainstream press
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clearmist said...

so sad, dude.
maybe he haad other intentions than what u make it seem! ("maybe")
seriously, you should ask these people before making them out to be such losers....
how come they're ALL losers??
till now...all the characters you've described are losers....see where i'm going??

Anonymous said...

clearmist, the way things r going and following up your comments, i think u will be next

clearmist said...

oh no jarin, i dont think i fall into the same category.

And to prove this, you can wait and watch, he isnt gonna write about me.

Anonymous said...

i give him inspiration and tips on who to belt and how to......neway your lucky cause v dunno much bout you otherwise...............

Anonymous said...

delete all crappy ads on this blog you lazy tamilian

clearmist said...

yeah such topics do need all the inspiration and tips you can get(?)

And as i said before, i'm not in the same bunch. Besides, i dont think garfield here has the guts.

Anonymous said...

you asss hole.. why the hell did you leak all that out.. that too on the internet ..you foll. no wonder you wanted me to check out the blog...don worry man am not angry with you... that ws a good prank!and i cant think of anything to abuse you with.. so anyway good luck in SJCE...